Multistakeholder Certification Initiatives
The RS Standards team have been committed to helping solve the world’s sustainability and process and product integrity challenges in supply chains for over twenty years.
We assist markets, eNGOs, governments, producer groups, standards bodies and supply chains, through recognised multistakeholder initiatives. We help to deliver ideas, solutions and market relevant transformative change in the quality, safety, social and environmental performance of key industry sectors. We are experts in ISO, ISEAL, legislative and market based standards. We have created several 'world firsts' in assurance standards and programs.
In the corporate sphere, we are trusted to lead and have built deep and longstanding expertise as the architects of world leading assurance and benchmark initiatives. When groups have an assurance program concept they typically come to RS Standards to help bring it to its full potential.
Some of these national and international initiatives are outlined below. RS provide specialist standards, committee facilitation, certification, governance and accreditation support to these initiatives and associated supporters.
Responsible Plastic Management (RPM)

The RPM Program assists organisations to support their commitment to responsible plastic management and to develop and verify controls and systems. The Program is supported globally by organisations, eNGOs, markets and certification bodies. The RS team helped to create the RPM Program Standard and the operational systems.
An over reliance on so-called single use plastic , virgin plastics from fossil fuels and a throw away culture has led to a global plastic mismanagement crisis which contributes to localised and global pollution and climate change.
The need for action in plastic management, circularity innovation and control is indisputable. The RS team offers support services to members of the Program.
Contact Us for more information on our Responsible Plastic Management Services
Responsible Fishing - The Responsibly Sourced Seafood (RSS) Scheme

RS Standards and Standard Comply are partners with the Bord Iascaigh Mhara’s (BIM) Responsibly Sourced Seafood (RSS) scheme. The scheme provides the fishing industry and the consumer of wild caught Irish seafood with a ‘Certification of Good Practice’.
The system is designed to promote consumer confidence in the fishing methods used by
Irish fishermen and those who handle Irish fish, from the time of capture to the point of
The RSS Standard was developed by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprising
representatives from BIM, the Marine Institute (MI), the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority
(SFPA), industry representatives (fishermen, co-operatives, producer organisations and
processors), Bord Bia, NGOs and standards and certification experts. The TAC was supported
by a number of technical working groups.
The Responsibly Sourced Seafood (RSS) Scheme addresses target requirements of Certified
Raw Material Sourcing and Sustainability Initiatives as required by Bord Bia’s Origin Green,
the national food and drink Sustainability Charter.
BIM’s RSS scheme is a product certification system assuring that catches have been fished
responsibly, are of the highest quality and are traceable.
BIM’s Responsibly Sourced Seafood (RSS) scheme comprises two integrated elements/
- Fishing Vessel
- Handling Quality for Onshore facilities (For intermediaries such as co-operatives and processors etc through the supply chain)
More information on the RSS Scheme can be seen on the BIM web page here
Contact Us for more information on the Standard or Standard Comply Certification

BRCGS is the leading global standards initiative for food manufacturers for food safety, storage and distribution and ethical management standards. The standards are supported globally by markets and supply chains.
The RS team have been assisting the BRCGS with the development of MOUs and frameworks for combined audits with other food safety standards. This initiative allows organisation and certification bodies to better manage time and costs and avoid auditor fatigue and audit duplication.
RS maintains a BRC Professionals network of 18,000 members via Linkedin.
MarinTrust Responsible Marine Ingredients

MarinTrust is a unique international programme for marine ingredient certification. It aims to continue to improve the responsible sourcing and production of global marine ingredients, such as fishmeal and fish oil, through an accessible programme of certification.
RS has been working with MarinTrust since 2008, providing a wide range of expert services and support to the programme. These include developing and updating standards and supporting documentation, verification services, independent assessment of operational procedures. Our recent work on fisheries for the Improver Programme has facilitated new fisheries to embark on their improvement journey.
Contact Us for more information on our MarinTrust Responsible Marine Ingredients
CSC - Responsible Fisheries Management

The Certified Seafood Collaborative (CSC) RFM Program, is a third-party sustainability certification for wild-catch fisheries based on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. The CSC is a non-profit foundation organised specifically to take ownership of the certification system from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI). The RS team helped create the RFM Standards and governance structures for this Program and similar programs in Iceland and the US Gulf region.
The RFM Program was originally created by ASMI and other Alaskan entities in 2010 as an alternative to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) sustainability certification to make it more accessible and available to all stakeholders within the state of Alaska. The RS team helped this scheme to become the first to be benchmarked by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI).
Since its inception, RFM has grown to be a globally recognised sustainable seafood certification program, providing credible independent assurance that Alaska’s fisheries are verified as sustainable.
Contact Us for more information on our Responsible Fisheries Management Services

RS: StandardComply is the audit and certification management body for the Global Soap Recycling Standard and Certification Program. The Standard was developed via a multidisciplinary Technical Advisory Committee including organisations Guest Supplies, Clean the World, Greenview, Horizonteer, RPM Program, Hotel Groups and environmental and certification consultants.
The engaged soap recyclers are being audited by approved and expert chain of custody auditors against the approved Standard. The Certification processes are aligned to the international certification standard ISO17065.
In this process Hotel Soap is verified and certified as being diverted from landfill and is being recycled into new bars to be used in disaster and humanitarian relief.
The Soap Recycling Standard and certification initiative currently has over 8000 hotels participating in the collection and aggregation and soap is transported to recycling centers in USA, Holland and Hong Kong. To date over 18 million pounds of soap have been diverted from landfill and recycled through this initiative.
Contact us to find out more about this initiative
Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA)

CQA is the national state program for the certification of aquaculture produce in Ireland. It is managed by the Seafood Development Agency, BIM and has been in operation for over 20 years. As a fully ISO17065 accredited Program and GSSI recognised, it continues to be managed to ensure relevance to both international markets and producer needs. It is compliant to national and EU regulations, international best practice and in line with current Irish and European maritime policy.
The user group is highly focused upon organic production and as such, the CQA Program will continue to pair with the new EU Organic Regulation 848/2018 to provide a seamless and complete quality and organic certification system.
The RS team, has and continues to provide strategic advice, solutions, governance oversight, technical and benchmarking services to BIM since inception. We are proud to be part of this founding aquaculture assurance program that continues to serve industry, the markets and stakeholder needs.
Current activities include the delivery of Issue 2 of the Standards for Farm and Processing with renewed focus on sustainable aquaculture practice, conservation of biodiversity resource efficiency and environmental performance.
Contact Us for more information on our Certified Quality Aquaculture Services