Sustainability Support Services
Sustainability is a new investment area for many organisations and our team have decades of experience in assisting clients with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) support.
RS Standards is at the leading edge of market and sector initiatives and we can take you to where you need to be with sustainability.
We have a strong track record in supporting our clients in the development and implementation of strategy to enhance their responsible business practice credentials.
Our Sustainability Services support is offered across the following three key areas/disciplines:
Carbon and Climate Management Services

We support numerous organisations on their carbon management journey; from calculating their carbon emissions baseline to assisting with net zero strategy, action planning development and Science Based Targets setting.
The key carbon planning support services that RS offers includes:
- Carbon footprint calculation
- Carbon Management/ Climate Mitigation Strategy development
- Setting science-based targets for carbon emissions reduction
- Data verification
- Scope 3 (value chain) emissions reviews
- Carbon Management training- general awareness, carbon footprinting, carbon management
Contact us for more information on our Carbon and Climate related Services
Certified B Corporation (B Corp) Services

RS Standards help companies to become B Corps. We use our expertise and insights to guide you through the review and certification process. B Corp. is suitable for any type and size of organisation.
Certified B Corporations are businesses which have demonstrated the highest standards of social and environmental performance.
Performance is evaluated through the completion of an independently verified B Impact Assessment. Organisations complete the assessment, which comprises a series of questions which evaluates the social and environmental considerations an organisation has included within its day to day activities and management arrangements.
The questions assess an organisation’s impact on its workers, customers, community and the environment.
Organisations must achieve a minimum score and develop an improvement plan to progress for independent verification of its response to the questionnaire. Organisations must also amend their governance arrangements to include a commitment to balance profit and purpose.
Contact us for more information on our Certified B Corporation Services
Plastic Management (RPM) Services

As the key approved "Support Partner" to the RPM Program, we assist with supporting RPM members and other clients embedding responsible plastic management practices within their organisations.
We provide the following services:
- RPM Program Organisation Coaching
- Plastic Management Information Gathering
- RPM Baseline reviews
- RPMS development and implementation
- Group Facilitation (Sector Plastics Groups)
- Plastic Literacy Training ©
- Plastic Integration into Sustainability strategies
- Pre-Certification Assessment support
Plastic is one of the most versatile and useful materials available. From protecting food and consumer goods to electrical insulation to car components, it is inconceivable to imagine a world without plastic. However, an over reliance on so-called single use plastic, unnecessary plastic, combined with a throw away culture has led to a global plastic pollution crisis.
RS helps businesses become more responsible in the use of plastic via the RPM Program. New policies and directives are set to be introduced requiring extended producer responsibility and almost certainly increasing tax on waste. RS can help businesses get ahead of the curve.
- We can provide gap analysis against the RPM Standard, helping you identify ways to reduce and improve recycle rates, support business efficiency and reduce your plastic waste bill.
- RS can carry out a Baseline Review and establish a Plastic Footprint, giving a complete picture of the types, flows and end fate of plastic in your business.
- RS can set up Plastic Registers for businesses and business sectors providing a full account and inventory of plastic.
This gives a clear position on plastic, provides clarity for establishing actionable areas, hot spots and easy wins where plastic can be reduced or managed more efficiently and improve recycle rates.
RS can help you make positive change.
RPM is a Catalyst for Plastic Reduction, Reuse and Recycling
RPM uses a best practice standard for responsible plastic management and provides recognition via it’s RPM Trust Marks for businesses that raise awareness, implement a plastic management system and improve their reduce, reuse and recycle rates. RS will work with organisations on their journey from target setting to target achievements.
Our experience in sustainable procurement, resource efficiency, circularity and waste management means that we can identify actions to embed responsible plastic management practices throughout an organisation’s value chain.
Contact us for more information on our Plastic Management Services